

It has also taking great pains to understand its customers’ needs. In 2019, it launched Prologis Essentials, which offers occupiers of its space everything from sophisticated racking systems and electric forklifts to energy solutions, including solar, storage and electric-vehicle charging.

Chief financial officer Tim Arndt says Prologis is highly attuned to its customers’ needs and Prologis Essentials “is the only platform of its kind with the end-to-end solutions today’s logistics customers need”.

倉庫という単なるスペース貸しではなく、倉庫管理プロセス全体(End to End)でのソリューションをプラットフォームとして提供することで活路を見出そうとしています。このソリューションには倉庫スペースの最適化だけではなく、電動フォークリフトや太陽光発電システム、EVチャージなどのエネルギー効率化のソリューションも含んでおり、コスト管理やESGの観点からも競争力のあるものにしようという戦略が見て取れます。

Our strategy addresses our customers’ most critical pain points in the supply chain, transportation, building digitisation and infrastructure, energy and sustainability, workforce, and real estate/construction,


In recent years, Prologis has had to deal with the impacts of COVID-19 on its business. “Not only did consumer behaviour accelerate the already growing e-commerce segment, but breakdowns in the supply chain also moved customers to pivot from a just-in-time approach to their inventories to a just-in-case approach,” says Arndt. “Both of these trends drove unprecedented demand for warehouse space.”


“The vast amount of data generated by our 1bn sqft portfolio allows us to generate proprietary forward-looking views of demand and pricing, which has been an important tool in driving rent growth and would be equally powerful in a downturn to protect margins. Right now, logistics market conditions are still defined by historic low vacancy, constraints on new deliveries, and pent-up demand – suggesting we have a sizable runway of growth.”


The company plans to conduct carbon-neutral operations and construction by 2025 and to get to net zero without reliance on carbon offsets in its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, and net zero in the entire value chain by 2040. 


Another positive sign came in the second quarter, where the rents have increased and expanded our lease mark-to-market to nearly 56%, translating to over US$2bn of embedded annual net operating income [NOI] as these leases roll. Applying this mark-to-market to our lease expiration schedule will show that net effective same-store NOI growth through 2025 should exceed 8% without further increases in market rent – an incredible amount of built-in organic growth and resiliency in our earnings.






シンガポールやアジアの物流倉庫業界ではAmazonの影響はないため、今後も物流倉庫需要は堅調に推移すると見られています。シンガポールREIT最大の物流リートであるMapletree Logisticsはアメリカでの倉庫物件は保持せず、全てアジア圏+オーストラリアであるため、今後も安定した業績が見込めます。中規模REITで物流施設に力を入れているESR-LOGOS REITもシンガポール&オーストラリアを主戦場としているため、堅調な需要を予測しているとのコメントがありました。


シンガポールREITで最大の物流リートであるMapletree Logisticsの記事はこちら。