CapitaLand Ascendas REITが保有している米国ポートフォリオで高いパフォーマンスを上げています。その秘訣についてWilliam Tay CEOが語っています。
Ascendas REITは2022年度に入ってからシンガポール国内物件、海外物件、共に積極的に新規物件取得を実施しています。特に5月にはシカゴの物流施設$133.2 million相当を取得しました。
“Overseas, we are likely to see less activity given that it is not easy to lend on a portfolio deal. Portfolio deals are likely to require a longer due diligence period and by the time it is completed, there could be another rate hike, so we prefer small bites, complete the due diligence and then announce. That is one reason why we prefer small bites versus a portfolio,” Tay explains, during a recent wide-ranging interview, to commemorate CLAR’s 20th anniversary.
「海外物件の取得にはデューデリジェンスに長い時間が必要であり、現在は金利も継続して上昇しているので、少しずつ小規模でポートフォリオを拡大していく戦略を好んでいる。」ここでは"small bites"という表現をしていますが、一気に大型買収を実施したりするのではなく、マクロ環境を見極めながら慎重に投資を行っている姿勢が伺えます。
CLAR was listed as Ascendas REIT and started trading on Nov 19, 2002. Its IPO price was 88 cents. Based on its annualised DPU of 15.75 cents for this year, CLAR’s DPU yield would be 17.9%. Its actual DPU yield is 5.9%. CLAR’s longevity means that it has navigated SARS, the global financial crisis, the European debt crisis, the pandemic and currently the steepest rate hikes the world has known since the 1970s.
「2002年にAscendas REITは上場したが、IPO時の価格は88centsだった。今年度の配当は15.75centsなので、もしIPO時から保有していればその配当利回りは17.9%に相当するものになる。」と、これは高配当・増配株やREITに長期投資する最大のメリットといえます。強固なビジネスを持ち、確実に増配を進めていける銘柄に投資した場合、現在の株価での名目配当利回り以上に、大きな投資果実を得ることができます。
「2002年の上場からSARSやリーマン・ショック、ヨーロッパの債務危機や、コロナのパンデミック、さらには1970年代のような急速な金利上昇などを乗り越えてきている。」バフェットが米国株式市場に長期で強気な理由としてもよく挙げますが、10年に一度や100年に一度と言われる危機は頻繁に起きるものであり、それを乗り越えて成長してきた銘柄、指数(S&P500など)は強いです。Ascendas REITも上場以来困難な環境に出くわしても常にそれを乗り越えてきました。
During the course of November 2019, Tay had to meet with analysts and investors to explain the rationale. Some were difficult to convince. Three years on, they are likely to be more accepting of that acquisition. CLAR’s US portfolio’s occupancy and rental reversions are – arguably – better than those of the pure US REITs listed on SGX.
Rental reversions have been consistently in double digits for the US portfolio. The committed occupancy rate for the US portfolio stood at 95.3% as at end-June 2022 compared to 94% as at end-December 2021 and 92.8% as at end-June 2021. Some individual properties maybe lower, but only three, perhaps four properties’ occupancies have fallen since June 2021.
“There's no there's no such thing as no risk. The key difference obviously lies in our ability to execute. Occupancy overseas has been strong; we are very committed to grow in a disciplined manner. We stay selective; prudent; each acquisition is accretive; and we make sure there’s a team on the ground able to negotiate leases and manage the properties. Over time, we have shown that asset performance has not gone down; they continue to perform,” Tay says, almost as a response (or riposte perhaps?) to CLAR’s erstwhile detractors back in 2019.