米国が半導体輸出規制を発表し、大きく下げた半導体株でしたが、直近は大きく反発しボトムからは40%近く上がっています。米中対立に伴う半導体規制の影響は短期的なものではないはずですが、今後業界にどのような影響を与え続けるのでしょうか。CSIS(Center for Strategic International Studies)から出ているレポートに、様々な角度から分析した結果がまとめられています。
On October 7, 2022, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced sweeping revisions to its export controls, which are aimed at restricting China’s ability to obtain certain high-end semiconductor devices with potential military applications, develop and maintain supercomputers, and manufacture advanced semiconductor devices.This announcement, the most expansive export control action in decades, represents a fundamental shift in the traditional strategy underlying the U.S. and allied export control regime.
- Limit AI Chip Access: The controls intend to cut off China’s access to advanced semiconductor devices needed for supercomputing and AI applications.
- Limit Design Capability: The controls intend to block China’s access to U.S. design software to prevent China from designing high-end semiconductors.
- Stifle Advanced Chip Manufacturing Capability: The controls block China’s access to U.S.-made semiconductor manufacturing equipment, for which there is no foreign alternative, to prevent China from manufacturing advanced chips.
- Limit Manufacturing Equipment Capability: The controls seek to prevent China from building state-of-the art semiconductor manufacturing equipment by blocking access to U.S.-made chips needed to make such equipment.